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Research Areas

The aim of this study is to take an in-depth look at the current situation and future outlook of Spain’s younger generations, based on the extensive empirical evidence available. The main part of the analysis will focus on the employment and economic aspects that most affect the condition in which people live. The large amount of data and statistics available make it possible to study the differences between youths and mature adults, and also the differences among young people of the same generation. The project aims to assess the significant differences among generations, after eliminating factors that differentiate people of the same generation. The results may aid in the design of public policies to support the social and labor integration of young people.
Pérez, F. (dir.), C. Mínguez, Á. Soler, R. Meneu, J.E. Devesa, A. Gómez, J. Ramos and A. Pantoja (2023). Presente y futuro de la juventud española. Una perspectiva socioeconómica. Bilbao: Fundación BBVA.