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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Basic public services expenditure in Spain and its regions

Education, health and social protection, known as basic public services (BPS), are particularly relevant activities of the public sector: due to the importance of the resources allocated to them and the activities carried out. In fact, they represent more than half of public spending and are needed to reach the equity goals pursued by public interventions, especially the principle of equal opportunities.

This database includes information on public sector activities related to the provision and management of services: health (primary, specialist and hospital care, public health, clinical research); education (pre-school, primary, secondary, post-secondary and higher, scholarships, education services); and social services (retirements, disease and disability, advanced age, family protection, unemployment, housing, social exclusion).

The study examines the trajectory of BPS expenditure in Spain and its autonomous communities over the course of the 21st century in order to provide objective data which can be referred to in assessments and decision making. The period covered allows differences between regions to be distinguished before and during the crisis.


Recommended citation

BBVA Foundation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). Gasto en los servicios públicos fundamentales en España y sus comunidades autónomas (2002-2013). Bilbao: València, May 2015. Database available at: [consultation: date].