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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas



Population is a series aimed at disseminating the main results from the BBVA Foundation Research Program and the Ivie, on the characteristics and evolution of the population in Spain’s regions from a long-term perspective.

Between 2008 and 2010, the BBVA Foundation and the Ivie published 51 issues devoted to the population in Spain’s regions as well as a synthesis of the demographic transformation that Spain and its provinces have undergone since the beginning of the twentieth century.

The documents in the Population Series offer data and summaries of the analyses found in the monographs La localización de la población española sobre el territorio: un siglo de cambios. Un estudio basado en series homogéneas (1900-2001) and Actividad y territorio. Un siglo de cambios, published by the BBVA Foundation in 2006 and 2007, respectively.

Each note provides data and clear explanations on the native and immigrant population of each region, making the information accessible to a non-specialised public which can also be used as teaching material.

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