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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


José Enrique Devesa Carpio
José Enrique Devesa Carpio
Associate Professor of Financial and Actuarial Economics (Universitat de Valencia)

Dr Devesa holds a PhD in Economics and Business Sciences from the Universitat de València and is a certified Actuary from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is member of the Spanish Institute of Social Welfare Policies. Technical Coordinator of the Research Group on Public Pensions of the Spanish Institute of Actuaries. He was proposed by the Spanish Council of Ministers as member of the Committee of Experts that developed in 2013 the sustainability factor of the public pension system in Spain. He has published more than seventy articles in national and international specialized journals. He has participated in more than ten competitive research programs, such as “Horizon 2020”, and has been main researcher of seven of them.

Fields of research: public and private pensions, financial products and insurers, actuarial sustainability and equity.
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