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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas



SPINTAN is a project coordinated by Ivie, with support of 12 research institutes and european universities. Promoted and financed by European Commission, this project aims to analyze the impact of public sector intangibles on innovation, well-being and “smart” growth (including the role of education, R&D and innovation, and the construction of a digital society). Special attention is being paid to the medium/long-term consequences of austerity policies on public sector intangibles in view of the expected recovery. Also, a public intangible database has been built for a wide set of EU countries, complemented with some large non-EU countries. In order to achieve its goals the SPINTAN project is structured around several work packages:

  • A methodological discussion on the concept of public sector intangibles
  • Building a public intangible database for a broad set of countries
  • The implications for smart growth and social inclusion of three key aspects of public sector policies: health, education and R&D with particular attention to higher education institutions
  • The effect of spillovers of public sector intangibles on the business sector
  • The present and future consequences of the austerity measures taken since 2008

The project, coordinated by the Ivie, is carried out by academic researchers from a range of 12 European institutes and universities. Related reports: