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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas



KLEMS (Kapital Labour Energy Material Services) international network aims to promote and facilitate the analysis of growth patterns and the evolution of productivity around the world, based on a growth accounting framework. At the heart of the initiative is the creation of new databases with the necessary variables to carry out these analyses. Through harmonizing concepts, common standards and classifications, the data is comparable across countries. Some of the variables included are value-added, capital stock, employment and human capital.

Ivie has participated in this project since its beginning, with the setting up of EU KLEMS, which gathers information about the EU countries, the United States and Japan. Until 2018, the Conference Board was responsible for coordinating the work of all members of the consortium and keeping the database up-to-date. Subsequently, this work was carried out by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW).

However, since 2021, the Luiss Lab of European Economics (LLE) research center has taken over and the database has been renamed the EU KLEMS & INTANPROD. The Ivie has also supported the creation and development of LA KLEMS, which is the extension of this study of productivity to several Latin American countries. The latest initiative of this global network is ASIA KLEMS, which includes the Asian countries. In the same way, the Ivie participates actively in the development of World KLEMS that frames the rest of projects and regional KLEMS databases.

In addition to the Ivie, more than 40 research centers and institutions from around the world participate in the KLEMS consortium. In 2016, the Ivie organized the Fourth World KLEMS Conference which took place at the premises of the BBVA Foundation in Madrid.


* The maintenance and updating process of Ivie’s databases is funded by the Valencian Regional Government’s Ministry for Finance and the Economic Model, through the cooperation agreement signed between both institutions to promote and consolidate the Ivie’s basic and applied economic research activities.

Recommended citation

WIIW. EU KLEMS Growth and Productivity Accounts. Vienna: wiiw (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies), November 2019. Database available at: [date of access: date]