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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Public sector

Ivie’s public policy evaluation and design work has produced various databases on the public sector. Specifically, the Ivie has databases that help analyze basic public services expenditure in Spain, regional differences in the public sector and public-sector health spending in Spain and its regions.


The COVID-19 pandemic has put every country in the world on high alert. The rapid spread of the pandemic, its consequences on the health system and the strict confinement measures that disrupt economic activities have put at risk the globalized world as we know it. To assess the effects of the pandemic on population health […]
Education, health and social protection, known as basic public services (BPS), are particularly relevant activities of the public sector: due to the importance of the resources allocated to them and the activities carried out. In fact, they represent more than half of public spending and are needed to reach the equity goals pursued by public […]
This database is part of a research project carried out by the BBVA Foundation and the Ivie which has a double objective: First, to generate new fresh information on the public-sector performance in Spain and its regions. Second, to analyze the data obtained in order to gain a more detailed picture of the extent of […]
The database Public health expenditure in Spain is a follow-up of two areas of work of the BBVA Foundation-Ivie Research Programme: Health economics and Public expenditure and regional differences of the Spanish public sector. The data bank contains statistical information on public health spending in Spain by regions for the 1991-2010 period. It is a homogeneous territorial […]