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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Intangible assets

The importance of knowledge-based activities in the economic development of the most advanced countries has highlighted the role of investment in intangible assets (Information and Communication Technologies [ICT], Research and Development [R&D], innovation, design, creativity, image and brand, organization and specific training of human capital) in the modernization and strengthening of a country’s productive structure.

The database Inversión en activos intangibles más allá del PIB en España y sus regiones, developed by the Ivie in collaboration with the Cotec Foundation for Innovation, offers information on the gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) in intangible assets in Spain and its autonomous communities by sectors. Data is available for the period 1995-2020, in both current and constant euros for 2015.

The database offers a sectoral breakdown of 27 sectors according to the NACE 2009. The intangible assets are organised into two main groups: those already included in GDP (considered investment by the European System of Accounts, ESA, 2010), referred to as AIPIB, and those not yet included in the national accounts which are grouped under the name AIMAPIB (intangible assets “beyond GDP”). These two major groups are classified in nine individual intangible assets.

Reference publications:

Previous database

Prior to the Cotec-Ivie intangibles database, the Ivie had previously developed a line of research that analyzed the presence of intangible assets in the Spanish economy in 2013. With support from the Telefónica Foundation, Ivie developed a database that includes the value of investment in intangible assets and their capitalization from 1995 to 2011, which is also available.


Recommended citation


Cotec Foundation for Innovation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). La Economía Intangible en España: evolución y distribución por territorios y sectores (1995-2023). Madrid: València, November 2024. BDatabase available at: [consultation: date].