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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Annual Reports

Annual Report 2023
Annual Report

The Ivie Activity Report is an annual publication that presents a profile of the institution and a summary of the Institute’s activities over the corresponding year. It is divided into two large sections. The general information section covers the Institute’s aims and contains a list of people who have worked with the Ivie over the year, or have collaborated on research projects. The second section refers to the activities carried out during the year, and includes the titles of publications and a summary of the content of all the research projects undertaken. The Report of Activities is approved each year by the Ivie Board of Directors.

* The editing and publishing process of Ivie’s Annual Report is funded by the Valencian Regional Government’s Ministry for Finance and the Economic Model, through the cooperation agreement signed between both institutions to promote and consolidate the Ivie’s basic and applied economic research activities.


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