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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

About Ivie

The Valencian Institute of Economic Research

The Ivie is a center devoted to developing, fostering and projecting economic research at a national and international level. To meet these objectives, the Institute:

  • Conducts studies and research related to areas of specific needs
  • Creates databases which improve economic information
  • Encourages the training of specialized personnel and the reinforcement of groups of specialists, thus safeguarding the continuity of diverse lines of economic research in the general interest
  • Establishes links between research work and the decisions taken by economic agents
  • Offers information and technical assistance on economic issues to the institutions and public or private companies that request it
  • Fosters relations with national and international scientific institutions, promoting the development of collaboration networks
  • Promotes the organization of scientific congresses and meetings

The Ivie was founded in 1990 by the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Regional Government) and is now an organization with support from CaixaBank, the BBVA Foundation, the Mediterráneo Foundation, Ford-España, the Cajas de Ahorros Foundation and the Cañada Blanch Foundation. In the development of its research, the Ivie works in close collaboration with universities in the Valencian region. A group of professors from the University of Valencia, the University of Alicante and the Jaume I University guide the Institute’s studies and research, their academic prestige thus guaranteeing the quality of the research undertaken. In 2011, the Ivie created the Ivie Foundation of the Valencian Community in order to improve its cooperation with the environment and expand its activities. Within this course of action, since 2013, the Ivie is a research center associated to the University of Valencia.


Generalitat Valenciana
Fundación BBVA
Fundación Mediterráneo
Fundación Cañada Blanch


Universitat de València