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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Public health expenditure in Spain

The database Public health expenditure in Spain is a follow-up of two areas of work of the BBVA Foundation-Ivie Research Programme: Health economics and Public expenditure and regional differences of the Spanish public sector. The data bank contains statistical information on public health spending in Spain by regions for the 1991-2010 period.

It is a homogeneous territorial database that supplements those so far offered by the Public Healthcare Expenditure Statistics (EGSP), which are produced by the current Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality in collaboration with the autonomous communities. In addition to starting in 1991, the BBVA Foundation-Ivie database offers more detailed regional information than the EGSP, reaches 94% of total public health spending and provides information by public stakeholders. Also, a homogeneous series for the whole period has been constructed.


Recommended citation

BBVA Foundation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). Sistema sanitario público en España y sus comunidades autónomas: sostenibilidad y reformas. Bilbao: València, August 2013. Database available at: [consultation: date].