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The Corporate Governance, Strategy and Competitiveness Observatory (GECE Observatory) is a project launched in 2017 by Bankia, in collaboration with the Ivie, which was taken over by CaixaBank in 2021 after the merger of both banking entities. The objective of this Observatory is to analyze the evolution of the competitiveness of Valencian companies over time and its relationship with the internal factors that can contribute to improve it.
Among the GECE Observatory’s activities are the publication of a collection of documents entitled Claves de competitividad (“Keys to Competitiveness”), and now more recently a new one, Análisis (Analysis). The first collection are easy to read, visually attractive summaries targeted at the general public and the media, while the new issues are longer in extension, in order to dig deeper into the analysis. In both cases, the intention is to disseminate and generate media impact on specific aspects of the competitiveness of Valencian firms based on the objective diagnoses offered by the GECE Observatory, whose aim is to encourage companies and institutions to reflect on the issues they must address in order to improve competitiveness and ensure long-term success.
These two collections complement the Observatory’s reports, which offer a more in-depth analysis of companies’ competitive position and associated drivers.