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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Observatory of young people's transition to the labour market

The Observatory of young people’s transition to the labour market is a data bank developed through the human capital project and which is updated every three years. The study has been carried out since 1996 and is sponsored by the Bancaja Foundation.

The Observatory offers information on the integration and evolution of young people in the labour market. The following factors are taken into account:

  • The social dimension: How labour market integration is related to the main stages of life : leaving home, forming a nuclear family, moving house, employment training etc.
  • The world of work: The different job opportunities available for young people, as well as employment and employer characteristics.
  • The sociological point of view: Young people’s attitudes to different aspects of working life and their employment preferences.

The Observatory also provides data related to home environment along with personal characteristics of survey participants.

The Observatory has defined two sample types until 2005:

  1. The general sample, based on a global look at survey participants.
  2. The target integration sample, which groups together those survey participants who have entered the labour market for the first time in the five years preceding the survey. The characteristics of young people’s access to the labour market are studied in this survey. In addition, this group includes survey participants from the previous Observatory survey and who already belonged to the target sample.

The Observatory’s panel sample from 1996 to 2002 allows young people’s evolution to be monitored over that period. The panel ended in 2005 and a new sample was required.

Since 2008, all survey participants have been included in the target sample previously defined.

Data from the six Observatory surveys (1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008 and 2011) have been homogenised and categorised. There are a set of files with the replies of all participants in the surveys, organized in the previously outlined structure.



Recommended citation

Bancaja Foundation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). Observatorio de Inserción Laboral de los Jóvenes. València, June 2012. Database available online: [consultation: date].