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Inequality based on individual consumption
The BBVA Foundation and the Ivie, as part of their collaboration program, have developed the study Consumption and social well-being: Lessons from the crisis, which measures household consumption and individual consumption according to the socio-demographic profile of the household. The social welfare resulting from consumption is then obtained, serving as the foundation for assessing inequality (following the methodology developed by Jorgenson and Schreyer). The study examines the impact of the Great Recession on consumption, social welfare and inequality from a national and regional perspective.
The information in the database La medición de la desigualdad en España y sus CC. AA. a partir del consumo individual (2006-2017) that accompanies the document allows us to address several key questions about the impact of the Great Recession and the subsequent recovery on Spanish household consumption, as well as its effect on social welfare and inequality. This analysis covers all of Spain and its regions, and is broken down by household type and the demographic profile of the primary breadwinner.
The database is structured in four large areas, based on household and individual consumption, social welfare and inequality series.
The first two parts (A.1 and A.2) are dedicated to household and individual consumption, respectively. Each of these two areas is divided into two categories: the first, the series calculated from total consumption (Consumption) and the second, those calculated from monetary expenditure (Expenditure). This subdivision is maintained for the remaining areas.
The third area (A.3) offers information on social welfare measured from individual consumption (A.3.1) and from individual expenditure (A.3.2); while the fourth (A.4) includes the Inequality series obtained from individual consumption (A.4.1) and from individual expenditure (A.4.2).
BBVA Foundation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). La medición de la desigualdad en España y sus CC. AA. a partir del consumo individual (2006-2017). Bilbao: València, October 2022. Database available at: [consultation: date].