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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Spanish Education Accounts

The BBVA Foundation and the Ivie, within its cooperation framework program, have developed several studies on important topics such as educational training, employment and innovation. From this collaboration arises the database Spanish Education Accounts (Cuentas de la Educación en España) which addresses several key issues related to the Spanish educational system: what is its size and how is it structured? How much is spent on education? Who are the producers of educational services and who are the beneficiaries?

The education accounts (EA) database 2000-2016 is structured into six large areas. The first (A.1) and second (A.2) areas are devoted to public and private education accounts, respectively. The third (A.3) offers information on total spending on education, while the fourth (A.4) and fifth (A.5) contain data on public and household expenditure on education. Finally, the sixth area (A.6) contains the student series.


Recommended citation

BBVA Foundation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). Cuentas de la Educación: 2000-2016. Bilbao: València, September 2018. Database available at: [consultation: date]