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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Social Capital: An economic approach

The Ivie and the BBVA Foundation have been working on a project to investigate social capital, a concept that for over a decade has attracted the attention of all social sciences and international institutions given its outstanding potential in development processes. The term social capital highlights the role that cooperation and trust play in obtaining collective or economic results. In 2015, the social capital databases have been updated and expanded within the framework of this project. As a result, the Ivie provides researchers with two databases:

  • Evolution of social capital for Spain’s autonomous communities and provinces since the first half of 80s until 2012. Data added for Spain is available since 1964, thus providing a broader historical view.
  • It includes an international database with information for OECD countries since 1970 until 2011.


Recommended citation

BBVA Foundation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). Crisis económica, confianza y capital social. Series de capital social. Bilbao: València, June 2015. Database request.