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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Francisco Pérez García
Francisco Pérez García
Professor Emeritus (Universitat de València)

Dr Pérez graduated (1973, with special honors and National Graduation Award) and obtained his PhD in Economics at the Universitat de València (1977). He is Professor of Economic Analysis at the Universitat de València (1986-2020). Research Director of the Ivie (since 1990) and Professor Emeritus at University of Valencia (since September 2020). He has been awarded the 2024 Emilio Ontiveros Economics Award from the AFI Foundation and the 2024 Rei Jaume I Prize in Economics. He has published  93 books in collaboration with others, and more than 200 book chapters and articles in international and Spanish specialized journals. He has completed six periods of research productivity, participates in European projects and has directed more than a hundred research projects. He is a member of several associations and academic institutions and has received several professional honours.

Fields of research: economic growth, productivity, competitiveness, regional economics, economics of education, and public finance

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