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The Ivie is one of the 31 European institutes that participated in the ICTNET project (European Network for the Research on the Economic Impact of ICTs), a research funded by the European Commission through DG CONNECT (Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology) which aim was to coordinate research in ICT economics in Europe increasing the relevance of the research on this topic.
The project focused on four areas which analyzed the relationship between ICT and growth and productivity, R&D and intangibles, ICT-enabled innovation and its diffusion to the economy.
The Ivie was part of the research group that studied the relationship between ICT and growth and productivity.
The research results highlight the outstanding role played in the last two decades by ICT as a driver of productivity and growth. New technologies are currently one of the keys for countries to emerge from the economic crisis and to put them back on the path towards sustainable growth.