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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Economic Value of Knowledge

The aim of this database, developed by the Ivie in collaboration with the Ramon Areces Foundation, is to quantify the value of knowledge-based economic activities in Spain and its autonomous communities. With this purpose, the database assesses the market value of the contributions of productive factors that add more knowledge to the production system (skilled work, ICT, intangible assets and machinery and equipment), an exercise based on the methodology of growth accounting. The database provides information on the total and regional GVA in Spain, as well as its disaggregation into two parts: GVA based on knowledge (knowledge-based activities) and GVA with no knowledge-based activities or based on productivity factors with low knowledge content. The database, which covers the period 2000-2014 (2013 for regional data), presents a high industry-level breakdown: 27 sectors at national level and 21 at regional level, defined according to the CNAE 2009/NACE Rev. 2 (see Structure). Additionally, it provides information on the corresponding VAB assigned to contribute to each productivity factor (capital and labourt), distinguishing between the factors that contribute to knowledge in different economic activities (human capital and more productive physical capital, such as machinery, ICT, etc.) and those that do not contribute to knowledge (non-qualified labour and less productive capital, i.e. real estate). The information is divided into two files in PC-Axis format: one contains national data for the period 2000-2014 with a sectoral breakdown of 27 industries, and the second offers regional data with information covering the period 2000-2013 for 21 sectors. Publication:

Recommended citation

Ramón Areces Foundation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). Economic Value of Knowledge. Madrid: València, May 2017. Database available at: [consultation: date].