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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Human development

The Human Development Index is an indicator that measures a country’s degree of economic development and combines health, education and income measures. It was first published in 1990, as part of the United Nations development programme, and quickly became more popular than the simple comparison by per capita income, it being a more informative indicator. The underlying philosophy is to measure the capabilities rather than the achievements, based on the ideas of the Nobel Prize Amartya Sen.

Along this line of research, which Bancaja and the Ivie have developed since 2000, the human development series for Spain, its autonomous communities and provinces has been built following the UN standardized and established methodology. Also an alternative methodology for measuring human development of advanced countries, in a more appropriate way, has been developed. The first database covered the period 1980-2007 (2010 for Spain and its autonomous communities), subsequently, the work was revised to expand the database with new results that analyze the period 1980-2011


Recommended citation

Bancaja Foundation and Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research). Desarrollo humano en España. 1980-2010. València, May 2013. Database available at: [consultation: date]