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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Awards and honours

Awards and honours

The work developed by the Ivie and all its members in each of its research areas has been many times recognized, both in the economic and social spheres. During its twenty-five years of existence, the Ivie has received numerous distinctions for its overall work as a center that promotes and boosts economic research, but also on an individual basis for the specific work carried out by their researchers. Among the first prizes are the Premio Universidad-Sociedad a la Investigación y el Desarrollo, given by the Social Council of the University of Valencia, for Ivie’s effort to strengthen the linkages between the University of Valencia and its cultural, social and economic environment, or the VII Premio Instituto de Estudios financieros a la Excelencia Financiera, in the Dissemination category. Other outstanding awards are Premio a la Divulgación Financiera, granted by the Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros, and the Premio Economía 3 in the Research Career category. The Ivie is grateful for all these distinctions and also very proud of all the awards and honors given to the people who work at the Institute.


  • During the month of June, José María Peiró was awarded an Honorary Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) by two universities, University of Almería on June 12th and Federico Villarreal University of Peru on June 24th.
  • On June 6, the AFI Foundation presented the 2024 Emilio Ontiveros Economics Award to the Director of the Ivie, Francisco Pérez, in recognition of his contributions to innovation, dissemination and knowledge transfer to society in areas such as productivity, public financing and the distribution of income and wealth.
  • Francisco Pérez was awarded the prestigious Rei Jaume I Prize in the category of Economics 2024 .


  • In April 2023, José María Peiró was awarded an Honorary Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) by the University of Coimbra


  • In 2022, the paper Lack of resilience after Covid-19: the role of family business characteristics and behaviors. FsQCA versus regression by María Iborra, José López and Vicente Safón received the European Journal of Family Business award for the best research in family business.
  • The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) of the United States has granted José María Peiró the 2022 Distinguished Teaching Contributions Award in I-O Psychology.
  • In October 2022, Alicia Gómez received the Caixa Popular Award for research in Valencian economics for the paper State capacity and the uneven cost of nation building: language mismatch and literacy levels in Valencia which was also presented at the VII Workshop Economía Valenciana.


  • The Spanish Economic and Social Council (ESC) has designated Ivie’s Director of International Projects, Matilde Mas, as expert advisor for Economy.
  • Ivie Researchers Ángel Soler and José Manuel Pastor received the Best Paper Award at the 2021 MESVAL Congress for Resiliencia, educación y sostenibilidad, carried out in collaboration with economist Iván Vicente.


  • The General Council of Economists of Spain has awarded Matilde Mas the Grand Cross of Merit in Service to the Economy in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the economy and for making economic results available to society as a whole.
  • Matilde Mas and Joaquín Maudos, both Ivie Researchers and Professors at the University of Valencia, have been appointed members of Cotec’s Top 100 Experts, a network of specialists in diverse areas of knowledge which aims to promote innovation.


  • Ivie Research Professor and Professor of Organizational and Social Psychology at the Universitat de València, José María Peiró, was awarded an Honorary Degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) by the Maastricht University.
  • Ivie Researcher, José García-Montalvo, was awarded the 2019 Rey Jaime I Prize in Economics for his valuable work closely linked to economic reality.


  • The Spanish Regional Science Association (AECR) has awarded its 5th Prize in Regional Science to the Ivie in recognition of its track record in promoting economic research as an institution, but also on an individual basis for the work carried out by its researchers.
  • The Social Council of the University of Alicante has awarded its 2018 Research Prize to Carmen Herrero, Ivie Researcher and Professor of Economic Analysis.
  • The Societat Catalana d’Economia, affiliate of Institut d’Estudis Catalans,awarded its XV Premi Catalunya d’Economia to the Ivie Researcher José García Montalvo for the study Política de precios públicos y eficiencia del sistema de becas en Catalunya.
  • The paper “The impact of lending relationships on the choice and structure of bond underwriting syndicates”  by Santiago Carbó (co-author with P.J. Cuadros and F. Rodríguez) was awarded the “Premio Accésit” of the FEF Antonio Dionis Soler 2018 Research Awards


  • The paper “The Impact of Lending Relationships on the Choice and Structure of Bond Underwriting Syndicates” by Santiago Carbó (co-author with P.J. Cuadros and F. Rodríguez) was awarded the “Premio Accésit” of the FEF Antonio Dionis Soler 2017 Research Awards.
  • The Societat Catalana d’Economia, affiliate of Institut d’Estudis Catalans, awarded José García Montalvo the XV Catalunya d’Economia 2017 Prize for the research study “Política de precios públicos y eficiencia del sistema de becas de Catalunya”.
  • Ivie Researcher, Carmen Herrero, has been awarded the 2017 Rey Jaime I Prize in Economics, considered one of Spain’s most important scientific awards.
  • The Spanish Economic and Social Council (ESC) has awarded the Ivie with its XXI Research Prize.  Ivie’s project, which was chosen from among 17 presented, aims to analyze the social and economic impacts of the progressive introduction of the digital economy in Spain.
  • José María Peiró, receives Honorary Degree from the Miguel Hernández University, in recognition of the important role he plays as leading expert in the field of work and organizational psychology.


  • On December 16, 2016, Professor José María Peiró was awarded the Jose Luis Pinillos Prize for Excellence and Innovation in Psychology, in the category of ‘Psychologist of the Year’, by Psicofundación (the Spanish Foundation for the Scientific and Professional Promotion of Psychology). The Ivie researcher received the award at the closing ceremony of the conference III Jornadas de Excelencia e Innovación en Psicología, in which the academic, scientific and professional career of the psychologist was recognized.
  • On December 15, at the Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (Spanish Economic Association) in Bilbao, Jose García Montalvo was granted the SERIEs Award 2016 for the article «The real estate and credit bubble: evidence from Spain».
  • Also in 2016, José María Peiró was made a member of the Spanish Academy of Psychology on November 30. The Academy, created by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, recognized the research work of the Ivie researcher and Professor of the Universitat de València.
  • On November 25, 2016, Francisco Pérez was made an honorary member of the Colegio Mayor San Juan de Ribera. The event was held during the Closing Ceremony of the Institute’s Centenary, which took place in the auditorium of the Universitat de València.
  • The prize-giving ceremony of the Valencian Parliament Alta Distinción Parlamentaria de Corts Francesc de Vinatea was held at the Borgia Palace in Valencia on April 25, 2016. The award was presented to the committee of experts made up of Francisco Pérez (Ivie research director), Vicent Cucarella (Ivie research technician), together with Rafael Beneyto, José Antonio Pérez, José Ismael Fernández and Vicent Peiró, who have analyzed the financial problems of the Valencian Government.


  • In 2015, the journal Economía 3 presented the Ivie with the Economía 3 Research Career Award for the work carried out over its 25-year trajectory. The prize was delivered to the Ivie at The Westin Hotel in Valencia, on January 27th, 2016.
  • Also in 2015, the Fundación de Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros (dedicated to stock market and financial studies) awarded the Prize for Financial Dissemination to the Ivie for its «outstanding work in this area since its inception 25 years ago». The award was presented to the Ivie at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Valencian Government, in Valencia, on March 29th, 2016.
  • On 18 December 2015, Ivie researchers Juan Fernández de Guevara and José Manuel Pastor received the 2014 Research Promotion Award by Funcas for their working paper «The adjustment of bank ratings in the financial crisis: International evidence» written in collaboration with Carlos Salvador (Universitat de València).
  • On 12 November 2015, José M. Peiró received the Award ‘Profesionalidad y Compromiso’ (for professionalism and commitment) by the Fundación Diagrama in Villena (Alicante).
  • On 7 July 2015, during the XIV European Congress of Psychology in Milan, the European Federation of psychologists’ associations (EFPA) awarded José María Peiró the 2015 Aristotle Prize. The award is granted 22 Acknowledgments to European psychologists who are internationally recognized for their contributions to psychology in research or in the professional area.


  • On 2 September 2014, José García Montalvo was awarded the ICREA Academia prize aimed at promoting research excellence among the professors and researchers of public Catalan universities.
  • In 2014, the Spanish Economic Association Award (1st edition) for the best article published in the SERIEsJournal of the Spanish Economic Association throughout the period of 2010-2013 was given to «Firm’s Main Market, Human Capital, and Wages», a research article by Ivie researcher and professor at the University of Murcia, Francisco Alcalá in collaboration with Pedro J. Hernández.
  • Also in 2014, the Institute of Financial Studies granted the Ivie the 7th IEF Award for Financial Excellence 2014 in the dissemination category for “its brilliant career and contribution to the knowledge society in general and, in particular, to the economy.” The award was presented to Ivie research director and professor at the Universitat de València, Francisco Pérez, in an event which was held in Barcelona on 3 November 2014.
  • On May 23, 2014, Ivie researcher and professor at the University of Alicante Carmen Herrero was awarded an honorary degree from the University of Granada.


  • During the LXXI Annual ICP Conference in Honolulu (Hawaii) on August 3, 2013, the International Council of Psychologists (ICP) granted the Advanced International Research and Service Fukuhara Award to the Ivie research professor and professor at the Universitat de València, José María Peiró.
  • Also during 2013, the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) honored Jose María Peiró with the EAWOP Lifetime Contribution Award for his scientific and professional career during the 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology held in Münster (Germany) on 22 May.
  • Furthermore, in 2013 the Governing Body of the Pompeu Fabra University awarded Professor José García Montalvo, Vice-chancellor of Science Policy (2011-2013), UPF Medal of Honor.


  • In 2012, Ivie associate researcher Belén Gill de Albornoz received a Research Prize from the Fundación de Estudios Financieros for her research work Income smoothing and idiosyncratic volatility.


  • On November 24, 2010, the President of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Salvador Giner, awarded the Ivie Research Director, Francisco Pérez, the VIII Societat Catalana d’Economia 2010 Prize for the study carried out at the Ivie El Desarrollo del Arco Mediterráneo Español. Trayectoria y perspectivas, published in 2010.
  • The Andalusian Regional Government awarded the Ivie researcher and professor at the Pablo de Olavide University, Antonio Villar, the XVI Premio Andalucía de Investigación Ibn al Jatib (Prize in Research of Andalusia) in the areas of humanities, law and social sciences on March 22, 2010. This prize aims to acknowledge and encourage outstanding researchers in science, as well as organizations, institutions or firms which have distinguished themselves by their commitment to promoting scientific research. The award recognized the theoretical relevance of Antonio Villar’s research, in addition to his institutional involvement in the development of economics in Andalusia.
  • In July 2010, Ivie research professor José María Peiró was awarded an Honorary Degree by the Metodista de São Paulo University.
  • In 2010, the Social Advisory Board of the Pompeu Fabra University granted José García-Montalvo the Knowledge Transfer Award.


  • In November 2009, professors Matilde Mas and Francisco Pérez were appointed Honorary Members of the Argentinian Association of Public Economics.
  • On February 18, 2009 the Ivie researcher and professor at the Pompeu Fabra University, José GarcíaMontalvo, received the ICREA Acadèmia Prize for his research work.


  • On May 21, 2008 José María Peiró, Ivie researcher and professor at the Universitat de València, was given the Research and Development Award by the Universitat de València Social Council. This recognition values Peiró’s long line of research in human resources management and work climate.


  • The Ivie was awarded the Research and Development Prize Premio Universidad-Sociedad a la Investigación y el Desarrollo 2005 by the Universitat de València Social Council on June 20, 2005. This prize distinguishes those institutions and members of the university community whose work and efforts have helped to strengthen ties between the Universitat de València and its cultural, social and economic environment.


  • The journal Economía 3 presented the Ivie with the Premio Centro Investigador (Research Centre Award).


  • In 1997 Ivie research professor Ernest Reig received the Premio d’Economia de Catalunya (Prize in Economics of Catalonia) from the Societat Catalana d’Economia for the study Capitalización y Crecimiento de la Economía Catalana 1955-1995.