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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Corporate Governance, Strategy and Competitiveness Observatory in the Valencian Community (GECE)
Corporate Governance, Strategy and Competitiveness Observatory in the Valencian Community (GECE)
Project start date: 2017
Project end date: research in progress
Funding institution: Caixabank

The Corporate Governance, Strategy and Competitiveness Observatory in the Valencian Community (GECE) was created in 2017 with the objective of studying the levels of competitiveness of Valencian firms, as well as the factors and internal causes that contribute to making businesses more competitive. The agreement, initially signed with Bankia, has been renewed in 2021 with Caixabank and includes the development of quarterly reports which highlight aspects in three areas (corporate governance, strategy and competitiveness), as well as a collection of short informative notes (Keys to competitiveness) and specific success cases of Valencian firms that can serve as a benchmark for other companies. The GECE Observatory will combine macroeconomic (sectoral breakdown) information with new available databases that provide detailed information on firms regarding financial statements, shareholders, capital and organizational structure, etc. The project has its own website In addition, a group of participating firms, for which customized reports are prepared, collaborate by providing first-hand information that improves the analysis carried out by the observatory on business competitiveness and strategy.

Available reports and analysis:


Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València, Ivie and CUNEF
Universitat de València e Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie