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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Carlos Albert Pérez
Carlos Albert Pérez
Master’s Degree in Development, Institutions and Economic Integration (Universitat de València)

Graduate in Economics (2006), he holds a Master’s Degree in Development, Institutions and Economic Integration (2008) from the Universitat de València. He obtained a collaboration scholarship in 2007 from the Department of Economic Analysis (Universitat de València) and is adjunct professor of this department since 2012. He joined the Ivie’s research department in 2008. He is co-author of several book chapters and reports, among which stands out El valor económico del capital humano en España (2000-2018) (Fundación BBVA-Ivie 2022).

Fields of research: regional economy, business competitiveness, economic impact analysis, rural development and public policy evaluation.

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