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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Jimena Salamanca Gonzales
Jimena Salamanca Gonzales
Master in Economics, majoring in Applied Economics (Universitat de València)

Graduate in Economics from the Universidad Católica Boliviana, she completed her postgraduate studies at the University of Valencia (2005). She is a research technician at the Ivie since 2006, participating in various studies including the FIAB-Cajamar-Ivie Research Program (2014-2015), Endeudamiento de las empresas españolas en el contexto europeo (BBVA Foundation, 2014), and European projects such as INDICSER (2012). Currently, she is part of the research teams of the following project: DIGITES (2022) and the Observatory on the Spanish agri-food sector in the European and regional context. In addition, she is co-author of several books and articles. Since 2020, she is adjunct professor at the University of Valencia.

Fields of research: agri-food sector, demography and immigration, and business accounts

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