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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Trajectory and strategic prospects of the Valencian economy (2010-2011)
Trajectory and strategic prospects of the Valencian economy (2010-2011)
Project start date: 2010
Project end date: 2011
Funding institution: Conselleria d’Economia, Hisenda i Ocupació i Fundación Bancaja

The Regional Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment, in collaboration with the Bancaja Foundation, have entrusted the Ivie with the technical preparation of the Strategic Plan for the Valencian Region (PESEVA). The Strategic Plan aims to identify the position of the Valencian Region in the current scenario, defining a strategy and outlining the courses of action necessary to deal with its weaknesses and reinforce its strengths. The aims are the following: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the region’s growth pattern, with special reference to its industries; to analyze the opportunities and threats for the Valencian economy arising from Spanish, European and global contexts; to point out the key factors for growth and competitiveness in the medium and long term; and to identify what is necessary for the future development of Valencia along with the policies that will be key to strengthen its dynamism over the next decade.

During 2011 the Ivie has prepared an executive summary report which will provide a basis for the design of the Plan and the objectives mentioned above. The first part describes how the quantitative and qualitative information has been gathered, the methodology used in the analysis and which social partners have been involved. The second part portrays the recent history of Valencia’s economy and its current situation, the 2020 horizon, the goals and objectives to achieve the priorities, as well as a proposal of the new strategic lines. The report has been prepared in a summary format using a comprehensible language so that the views and messages, about what the Valencian economy is and should be, may be understood and shared by those who make individual and collective decisions: entrepreneurs and workers, professionals, and public and private managers.


Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València e Ivie