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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Talent attraction and retention capacity of Spanish autonomous communities. Third Report
Talent attraction and retention capacity of Spanish autonomous communities. Third Report
Project start date: 2022
Year of publication: 2024
Funding institution: Fundación Cotec para la Innovación

This study has two main objectives. First, it proposes to draw up the 2022 Talent Ranking Map of Spain, as a continuation of the previous editions (2019, 2021) prepared jointly by the Cotec Foundation and Ivie. This index follows the methodology used by INSEAD in the Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), a report that is already in its eighth edition and is currently available for more than 130 countries (134 in the 2021 edition), covering around 701 variables related to the ability to attract and retain talent. In its latest edition, several changes have been made adapting it to the times of COVID-19.

This first objective involves updating the existing database, based on available information from different institutions that produce data on a regular basis (such as Eurostat, Spanish Statistics Institute [INE], European Commission, among others), always assuming they are available at regional level. The availability of this information will allow to analyze the impact of talent attraction and retention capability on growth in Spain and its 17 regions. Additionally, it will help identify strengths and areas in which to improve, and analyze changes in the ranking with respect to the previous study.

The second objective of the proposal refers to the construction of a revised, or more complete, version of the Talent Map of Spain, including aspects that have not been covered in the INSEAD Index, such as the availability of airport connections, hotel infrastructure development, healthcare management quality, cultural offers, existing multinational companies or even the weather or climate, among others, which are undoubtedly of particular relevance in the ability of the regions to attract or retain talent, and also in a time marked by the impact of COVID-19. It will also make it possible to place Spanish regions in an international context, comparing them with other developed countries (mainly in Europe).

Recommended citation

Mas, M., J. Quesada and F. Pascual (2024). Mapa del talento de España 2023. La capacidad de atracción de Alemania. Madrid: Fundación Cotec para la Innovación; València: Ivie.


Universitat de València and Ivie
Valencian Foundation Rei Jaume I Awards and Ivie