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Dr Mas graduated and took a PhD in Economics at the Universitat de València, where she was Professor of Economic Analysis until September 2021. Currently, she is Professor Emeritus at the Universitat of València and Director of International Projects of the Ivie.
She is a member of the World KLEMS project and has been director of the DIGITES (DIGital Technologies Segment data) and SPINTAN (Smart public intangibles) projects. She is coauthor of 93 books and book chapters and has published more than 100 articles in national and international journals. In 2020 she was awarded by the General Council of Economists of Spain with the Grand Cross of Merit in Service to the Economy. She is a member of the Top 100 Experts of COTEC (Foundation for Technology and Innovation) and is an advisor to the Economic and Social Council (CES) of Spain. From July 2020 to December 2023, she served as member of the Advisory Council for Economic Affairs, First Vice Presidency of the Government and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, and since May 2024, of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise. Since January 2023 she belongs to the group of experts of The Productivity Institute Lab (UK).
Fields of research: knowledge economy, productivity analysis, new information technologies and intangible assets.