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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

IvieLAB. The cost of not being an autonomy
IvieLAB. The cost of not being an autonomy
Project start date: 2019
Project end date: 2019
Funding institution: Generalitat Valenciana

This report analyses the reasons that defend the State of Autonomy in Spain and, on the other hand, the consequences of not being a part of it.  The analysis covers the administrative cost associated with the existence of the autonomous communities, the provision of public services according to territorial preferences, inequalities in the amount of resources and spending, transparency and accountability, fiscal co-responsibility, the effects on the market unit and the contribution to the development of endogenous policies based on the use of local knowledge resources. The study evaluates these issues by considering the position of the Valencian Community in a decentralization scenario and in a hypothetical scenario of recentralization.


Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València
Iván Vicente Carrión