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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Study of the impact of the regional funding system on the public debt of Catalonia
Study of the impact of the regional funding system on the public debt of Catalonia
Project start date: 2023
Project end date: 2023
Funding institution: Sindicatura de Comptes de Catalunya

The Catalonian Court of Auditors is interested in conducting a thorough analysis of the Catalan Regional Government’s financial situation, with a special focus on the effects of Spain’s regional funding model, which has been in effect since 2009, as well as its impact on the funding Catalonia receives and its level of debt. In order to delve deeper into the causes of indebtedness, an analysis of the factors that affect the shortage of financial resources will be needed. This analysis will compare the expenditure requirements with the powers assumed, the sources of income available to the region, the components of the funding system, and the region’s relative position with respect to the group of Spanish regions under the common funding system.


Universitat de València and Ivie