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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas


Los rankings como instrumentos para la mejora y la dirección estratégica de las universidades

València, 24 November 2017

Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 València


The rising popularity of rankings in the Spanish University System justifies the need for an in-depth analysis of the contributions they make to universities, their areas of improvement and their role as instruments for the strategic management of universities

This is the main objective of the seminar, organized by the BBVA Foundation and Ivie, as part of their joint-work program in this area. The most visible result of their research activity is the U-Ranking project, which has been carried out for five consecutive years, resulting in several reports on the functioning and trajectory of the Spanish University System.

The Seminar aims to gather a group of leading specialists, university officials and higher education policy-making actors to analyze and respond to the following questions:

  • What is the current scenario of university rankings in Spain? What are their achievements and limitations and what are the most important differences among the various tools available?
  • What assessment can be made of U-Ranking in the current scenario and what are some desirable and feasible improvements?
  • From a university strategic management perspective, how useful are general rankings, specialized rankings and rankings that compare universities within homogeneous groups?
  • Should employability be a relevant factor in university rankings? Should it be included in the construction of university rankings?
  • Is it possible to currently assess the differences in the employability of graduates from different universities? What causes of these differences can be controlled by the universities? What are the reasons behind the different practices in this area?
  • Which improvements should be made in the information on graduate employability and how can universities use those results?

The Seminar aims to enhance the reflection of the results of university activities in Spain, in several ways: providing information and analysis to measure their performance; examining the lessons learned from different experiences of best practices; and considering the importance of rankings as tools to improve the capacity of the university system in responding to the demands of the knowledge society and the productive model by making a more effective use of human capital.

The Seminar is directed towards university and higher education agents responsible for strategy, programming and well-functioning of public and private universities, and social council members, as well as those interested in university activities and job-market integration, education policy-making analysts, academics and the media.


9:00 – 9:30

Apertura y presentación

Francisco Pérez, Universitat de València e Ivie


Primer panel: Situación de los rankings en España: avances, limitaciones y posibles usos para la dirección estratégica de las Universidades

“¿Cómo podemos saber qué miden los rankings de universidades?”

Domingo Docampo, Universidad de Vigo

“Rankings, meta-rankings y posicionamiento de universidades. O dime con quién andas, que te conozca”

Teodoro Luque, Universidad de Granada

“Rankings en sistemas universitarios heterogéneos. El caso español y U-Ranking.

Joaquín Aldás, Universitat de València e Ivie

“Rasgos y orientación estratégica en universidades con resultados excelentes”

Alejandro Escribá, Universitat de València e Ivie

11:30 – 12:00

Pausa – Café

12:00 – 14:00

Segundo panel: Seguimiento y gestión de la empleabilidad de los titulados: análisis de las diferencias entre Universidades y sus causas

“Desarrollos actuales y retos de las universidades en la promoción de la empleabilidad“

José María Peiró, Universitat de València e Ivie

”Factores determinantes de la empleabilidad de los universitarios en España”

Lorenzo Serrano, Universitat de València e Ivie

“Herramientas para el seguimiento y análisis de la empleabilidad en el sistema universitario catalán”

Martí Casadesús, AQU Catalunya y Universitat de Girona

”Seguir innovando en la gestión de la empleabilidad sin morir en el intento: El caso de la UPV

José  Millet Roig, Universitat Politècnica de València

14:00 – 14:15


Esteban Morcillo, Rector de la Universitat de València


Joaquín Aldás

Catedrático de la Universitat de València y Profesor Investigador del Ivie

Francisco Pérez

Catedrático de la Universitat de València y Director de Investigación del Ivie


Joaquín Aldás

Catedrático de la Universitat de València y Profesor Investigador del Ivie

Martí Casadesús

Director de AQU Catalunya y Catedrático de la Universitat de Girona

Domingo Docampo

Catedrático de la Universidad de Vigo

Alejandro Escribá

Profesor titular de la Universitat de València e Investigador Asociado del Ivie

Teodoro Luque

Catedrático de la Universidad de Granada

José  Millet Roig

Vicerrector de Empleo y Emprendimiento y Catedrático de la Universitat Politècnica de València

José María Peiró

Catedrático de la Universitat de València y Profesor Investigador del Ivie

Francisco Pérez

Catedrático de la Universitat de València y Director de Investigación del Ivie

Lorenzo Serrano

Catedrático de la Universitat de València y Profesor Investigador del Ivie


Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Adeit
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3
46001 València