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Research Areas

The aim of this report is to create an observatory of the agri-food sector in the Spanish regions, so as to provide a comparative view among regions and national average. Thus, an extensive system of indicators will be needed to analyze the different economic dimensions of the sector (production, employment, prices, foreign trade, productivity, competitiveness, etc.). Limited to the statistical data available, the observatory will provide information on the entire value chain of the sector, including the primary sector, the processing industry and distribution. The study will contain a summary sheet for each region offering their overall position in the ranking of Spanish regions in various areas, covering from 2008 to the last year available.
Maudos, J. (dir.) and J. Salamanca (2021). Observatorio sobre el sector agroalimentario de las regiones españolas. Informe 2019. Almería: Cajamar Caja Rural.