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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

FIAB (Spanish Food and Drink Federation)-Cajamar-Ivie Research Programme
FIAB (Spanish Food and Drink Federation)-Cajamar-Ivie Research Programme
Project start date: 2013
Project end date: 2014
Funding institution: Federación Española de Industrias de la Alimentación y Bebidas (FIAB)

In 2013, a Framework Agreement with the Spanish Food and Drink Federation (FIAB) and Cajamar was established in order to carry out various studies on the food sector based on the analysis of the existing statistical information. The main aim is to improve the decision-making and visibility of the sector commensurate with its importance in the whole of the Spanish economy. The content of Ivie’s collaboration with these two institutions is structured in three parts: its participation in FIAB’s annual report, the preparation of thematic reports and the provision of technical assistance.


Universitat de València, Ivie and CUNEF
Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie


Julia Teschendorff Cooper