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Research Areas

This project will conduct a microanalysis of the characteristics of Spanish firms according to their business dynamics and type of sector they belong to: ICT production, ICT intensive or non-ICT intensive. The analysis will also consider the challenges they face as a result of the economic and social consequences of COVID-19.
The project will include the following information: business demography; classification and grouping of sectors according to ICT intensity; overview of business dynamics with aggregated data; and structure of Spanish firms using microeconomic data, cross-classified according to their business dynamics and to whether they belong to sectors affected by digital transformation. After analyzing firms according to growth, the study will then focus on fast-growing firms, considering their characteristics and distribution by size, sector or ICT intensity, as well as level of investment, productivity, margins, profitability, internationalization, financial structure, credit restraints or dependence on external financing. The project will examine the determinants that characterize fast-growing firms, and finally, identify the firms hit hardest by the current health crisis and economic shutdown due to financial fragility or less available liquidity.
Fernández de Guevara, J. (dir.), J. Maudos and C. Mínguez (2020). Dinámica empresarial en España y digitalización: Retos ante la nueva crisis del COVID-19. Madrid: Fundación Ramón Areces.