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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

IvieLAB - Evaluation of the participation of Valencian companies in the recovery funds (December 2022)
IvieLAB - Evaluation of the participation of Valencian companies in the recovery funds (December 2022)
Project start date: 2023
Project end date: 2023
Funding institution: Generalitat Valenciana

This project goal is to update and monitor the companies that are beneficiaries of tenders as a continuation of the 2022 report. The objective of this report is to quantify and analyze the participation of Valencian companies in NGEU funds, comparing the financing they have obtained with that obtained by companies from other regions. The analysis distinguishes between the funds that are received via tenders and those that have been obtained through grants and public aid, as well as according to the level of the public sector (state, regional or local). Information provided by the Public Sector Procurement Platform (for tenders) and the National System of Information on Subsidies and Public Aids has been processed, identifying all the calls for proposals financed by NGEU funds (MRR and REACT-EU).

With this objective in mind, the report will analyze the following issues: the weight of companies from the Valencian Region in the awards made in the public procurement of Spanish public administrations, in terms of number of tenders and amount of the contract; disaggregated information by size of the company, branches of activity and provinces; type of contract; characteristics of the awarded companies; comparison of the weight of Valencian companies with the rest of the Spanish regions in national tenders , etc.

Recommended citation

Maudos, J., S. Mollá and J. S. Pérez (2023). Evaluación de la participación de las empresas valencianas en los fondos Next Generation European Union  (NGEU). Actualización hasta diciembre de 2022. València: Generalitat Valenciana: Ivie.