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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

IvieLAB: Evaluation of public procurement by the Valencian regional government. Part 2. Analysis of competition in public procurement procedures
IvieLAB: Evaluation of public procurement by the Valencian regional government. Part 2. Analysis of competition in public procurement procedures
Project start date: 2019
Project end date: 2019
Funding institution: Generalitat Valenciana

As a continuation of the 2018 report on the duration of procurement processes, based on the ContraPubIvie2019 database, this project analyzes the intensity of competition in public procurement through mid-level indicators of the importance of processes in which only one company participates, the prevalence of certain types of procedures that limit the participation of companies or the existence of barriers due to contract size. It also studies the relationship between the level of competition and price savings in public contracts.

The second part of the report will focus on the study of the contracted companies, with the aim of detecting barriers that limit access to certain procurement procedures. In particular, it will consider the participation of small and medium enterprises, the location of the contracted companies, as well as the existence of possible patterns in awarding contracts to the same firms. The study will assess the situation of the Valencian regional government as compared to other regional governments or other levels of the Public Administration. In order to accomplish this, it will make use of the public contract database created by the Ivie with information from the Public Sector Procurement Platform.


Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València
Pedro J. Pérez
Universitat de València
José Antonio Álvarez