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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Economic impact of Mercadona in 2023
Economic impact of Mercadona in 2023
Project start date: 2024
Project end date: 2024
Funding institution: Mercadona

The objective of the study is to estimate the total economic impact generated by Mercadona during 2023 in terms of employment and GDP, by using an input-output methodology based on the input¬ output tables with complete information on the Spanish economy developed by the Spanish National Statistics Institute. The economic impact of Mercadona is generated both through its activity or operations (sale of its products) and its investments. Thus, the report breaks down the impact of Mercadona derived from its activity associated with its investments.

The report estimates the impacts at an aggregate level as well as by sectors. In this way, in addition to Mercadona’s total contribution to the Spanish economy’s GDP and employment, results will also be provided by sector of activity. Thus it will be possible to identify and quantify the sectors or productive branches in which Mercadona (and its supply chain) has the greatest economic impact.

In addition, the report also estimates the tax return obtained by the Public Administration as a result of Mercadona’s activity, through the different taxes paid or generated by the supermarket chain.

Recommended citation

Maudos, J., E. Benages and C. Albert (2024). Impacto económico de Mercadona en 2023. València: Mercadona.


Universitat de València, Ivie and CUNEF
Universitat de València e Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie