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Research Areas

This research, carried out by the Ivie for the Regional Ministry of Finance and Economic Model, addresses the Valencian Regional Government’s need for a detailed analysis of the current financial situation of the Valencian Community within the autonomous community funding system, while reflecting on the limitations of the previous funding model (2009) in order to define a new model that is more equal and stable. The project will be implemented in two phases:
- First phase: To analyze the problem of the regional funding system on the Valencian Community based on the current model and the underfunding and its effects on the welfare state. Also, to examine the assessments and opinions of Spain’s other autonomous communities and the Central Government to agree on the issues that would be more advantageous for the region.
- Second phase: To establish a solid basis for the proposal for a new funding model for the Valencian Regional Government, which responds to its needs and is accepted by the other participating Administrations. To develop a detailed proposal and monitor future technical proposals from experts on autonomous community funding, as well as from the other governing bodies, advising the Government regarding these proposals.
Activities and documents related to the project:
Series Regional Funding Papers
Report: Suficiencia financiera de las CCAA y Estado del bienestar
Seminar 30 January 2017: Financiación autonómica, estabilidad presupuestaria y bienestar