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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Data for European ICT Industries Analysis. 3rd phase
Data for European ICT Industries Analysis. 3rd phase
Project start date: 2020
Project end date: 2022
Funding institution: Comisión Europea

The objective of this study is to update the report undertaken for the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, which analyzes not only the ICT sector, but also the media and electronic content sectors and retailers, as well as the intensity of ICT use in European industries and the position of the EU in the global value chain of technology products.

Recommended citation

2020 report

De Prato, G., M. López (eds.), M. Mas, J. Fernández de Guevara, J.C. Robledo, M. Cardona, R. Righi, S. Samoili and D. Vázquez-Prada (2020). The 2020 PREDICT Report: Key Facts Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union (JRC Technical Report).

2021 report

De Prato, G., M. López (eds.), M. Mas, J. Fernández de Guevara, J.C. Robledo, M. Cardona, S. Samoili, D. Vázquez-Prada, R. Righi and M. Papazoglou (2021). The 2021 PREDICT: Key Facts Report. An analysis of ICT R&D in the EU and beyond. Luxemburgo: Publications Office of the European Union (JRC Technical Report).


Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie
S2 Grupo
Inés Rosell Quintanilla
Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València
Marta Solaz Alamà