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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Analyses of the Valencian audio-visual industry: Economic contribution
Analyses of the Valencian audio-visual industry: Economic contribution
Project start date: 2010
Project end date: 2011
Funding institution: Instituto Valenciano del Audiovisual y la Cinematografía

This project aims to assess the economic value of the audio-visual industry in the Valencian Community so as to obtain an objective measure of its contribution to GDP and employment in the Valencian economy. In addition, a series of economic-financial indicators of the sector has been built to be able to examine recent developments in a national context. Thus, the ultimate objective of the report is to create an economic monitoring unit of the Valencian audio-visual industry, which is kept up to date so as to analyze the sector’s progress.


Universitat de València, Ivie and CUNEF
Universitat de València e Ivie