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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

The Valencian Community’s digital transformation: recent progress and current situation
The Valencian Community’s digital transformation: recent progress and current situation
Project start date: 2018
Project end date: 2018
Funding institution: Generalitat Valenciana

Digitization is creating a new scenario for the economic and social development of the regions and affects practically all areas of social, economic and personal life. The purpose of this document is to present a general assessment of the degree of penetration of the digital transformation in the Valencian Community compared to Spain as a whole and to the other regions of Spain. This is done by analyzing a range of factors that influence the level of digitization and citizens’ access to digital services. These factors include regional ICT infrastructure; company and household ICT equipment, which determines connectivity, potential use of ICTs and internet access in a given country or region; companies’ participation in carrying out the new digital activities and generating technologies and ICT products and services within their specialization; the ability to use existing technological developments to digitize an activity’s products and processes, including older activities; and the digital resources and digital capabilities and skills of the population to be able to take advantage of the opportunities as producers or consumers.