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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Analysis of the intensity of the economic relations between Madrid and the Valencian Community
Analysis of the intensity of the economic relations between Madrid and the Valencian Community
Project start date: 2019
Project end date: 2019
Funding institution: Fundación Conexus

The objective of this report is to analyze the intensity of the socioeconomic relations between the Spanish regions of Madrid and Valencia and to quantify the trade and financial flows, as well as the movement of people between the regions. To estimate the intensity of these connections, data on purchases and sales between firms in Madrid and Valencia will be used, in addition to information on the share of Valencian capital in Madrid firms and vice versa. Finally, the report will also examine the flow of people that migrate from one region to the other and the proportion of people from one region that live or work in the other.


Universitat de València, Ivie and CUNEF
Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València
Marta Solaz Alamà