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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

IvieLAB. Infrastructures and firm access to digital services in the Valencian Community
IvieLAB. Infrastructures and firm access to digital services in the Valencian Community
Project start date: 2019
Project end date: 2019
Funding institution: Generalitat Valenciana

This report complements the study La Transformación Digital de la Comunitat Valenciana: Avances Recientes y Situación Actual (The Valencian Community’s digital transformation: recent progress and current situation) and expands on the analysis of infrastructures and firm access to digital services. The report is structured in two parts. First, it offers a global view, from a comparative perspective, of the evolution and current positioning of the Valencian productive fabric in terms of digital infrastructures and accessibility. The second part focuses on firm access to new technologies, assessing whether it is homogeneous or, if on the contrary, it depends on the area where the firm is located. The main objective is to evaluate the importance of broadband access in industrial park areas and to identify the measures that need to be taken to avoid shortages or limitations.

Recommended citation

Maudos, J., J. Quesada (dirs.) and C. Mínguez (2019). Las infraestructuras y la accesibilidad a los servicios digitales por las empresas en la Comunitat Valenciana. València: Generalitat Valenciana.


Universitat de València, Ivie and CUNEF
Valencian Foundation Rei Jaume I Awards and Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie