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Research Areas

The measures taken to protect citizens against the COVID-19 pandemic have had important consequences on the Spanish and Valencian economies. However, the impact has been uneven across sectors. Businesses that rely on personal interactions have been the most affected, since their activity was completely or partially disrupted during the last year.
In order to adopt specific measures and provide support to these sectors, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of their features and functioning, as well as the real effects that the crisis has had on them. This report will focus on the transportation services sector in the Valencian Community.
The documents on the different sectors included in the IvieLAB program of the Valencian Regional Government will have a common structure with the following table of contents:
- Description of the sector and its importance in the Valencian economy
- Impact of COVID-19 on its recent activities
- Response capacity/resilience level
Pastor, J.M., P. Cantos and C. Albert (2021). Impacto económico de la COVID-19 en la Comunitat Valenciana: Transporte y logística. València: Generalitat Valenciana.