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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

IvieLAB - Analysis of the building and housing stock by use in the Valencian Community: state of affairs based on the latest population and housing census (2021)
IvieLAB - Analysis of the building and housing stock by use in the Valencian Community: state of affairs based on the latest population and housing census (2021)
Project start date: 2023
Year of publication: 2023
Funding institution: Generalitat Valenciana

The objective of this study is to assess the housing situation in the Valencian Community and its provinces based on data from the recent census released by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE), with information referring to 2021. The analysis is extended to the municipalities of the Valencian Community.

The indicators constructed in the report include, among other aspects, the type of housing, average age, surface area, household size (number of members per household), tenancy regime (ownership or rental) or intensity of use based on electricity consumption (which allows to identify empty houses). The report also examines the environment features in which the main dwellings of the large municipalities are located, with special attention on those that present issues and should therefore be the focus of the Public Administrations.

How to cite:

Maudos, J. and F. Pascual (2023). Análisis del parque de edificios y viviendas según usos de la Comunidad Valenciana: estado de situación a partir del último censo de población y viviendas (2021). València: Generalitat Valenciana: Ivie (Deliverable n.º 11.3).

Recommended citation

Maudos, J. and F. Pascual (2023). Análisis del parque de edificios y viviendas según usos de la Comunidad Valenciana: estado de situación a partir del último censo de población y viviendas (2021). València: Generalitat Valenciana: Ivie (Entregable n.º 11.3).


Universitat de València, Ivie and CUNEF