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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

FIAB (Spanish Food and Drink Federation)-Cajamar-Ivie Research Programme
FIAB (Spanish Food and Drink Federation)-Cajamar-Ivie Research Programme
Project start date: 2016
Year of publication: 2016
Funding institution: FIAB

This research project analyzes the economic performance of the food and beverage sector which in 2015 was made up by 28,185 companies. The report reveals the consolidation of this industry:  in 2015, with 94.938 million euros turnover, it already represented 2.7 per cent GVA of the Spanish economy and 22.3 per cent of manufactured goods.

This study also highlights the boost of exports, which in 2015 grew 6.1 per cent and represents 10.2 per cent of the total sales abroad of Spanish goods. The food and beverage sector generated 469,018 direct jobs, which represented 21 per cent of total employment in the Spanish industry.


Universitat de València, Ivie and CUNEF
Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València and Ivie