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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Estimation of potential demand for a UPV bachelor
Estimation of potential demand for a UPV bachelor's degree in Data Science
Project start date: 2016
Project end date: 2016
Funding institution: Universitat Politècnica de València

The objective of this report for the UPV was to estimate the demand for places which a new degree in Data Science might have during the next academic year. Demand was determined by 1) conducting two surveys of first-year students enrolled in programs similar to the proposed bachelor’s course (at the UPV and at other Valencian universities); and 2) conducting a series of in-depth interviews with experts directly involved in the work environments in which graduates of the proposed program would seek employment to seek their views on the adequacy of the new degree and its curriculum, and on business needs and requirements in this area. Since this is a new program in Spain, the report also includes a qualitative analysis of the appeal and perception of the name of the degree for students and professionals. The procedure followed is based on a methodological approach for the assessment and introduction of new bachelor’s degrees at the UPV that was developed by the Ivie and presented to the University in 2010.


Universitat de València and Ivie
Universitat de València e Ivie