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Research Areas

The objective of this research carried out by the Ivie for the Joint Research Centre of the European Union Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) is to contribute to the PREDICT project by providing data and analyses on the information and communication technology (ICT) sector and on the R&D in that sector in the EU and other European and non-European anchor countries. This research has four specific objectives:
- To gather and process all the information available on the size of the ICT sector and its sub-sectors, on business investment in R&D in the ICT sector, and on the public funding of these activities in the EU, in other developed countries and in the emerging economies of the world.
- To perform an empirical analysis of all the data mentioned.
- To prepare several reports with the relevant policy recommendations.
- And to organize two workshops in Brussels aimed at policy-makers and international experts to provide and discuss the results of the project.