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Research Areas

The Ivie has carried out this study for the Telefónica Foundation to analyze the endowments and investment in intangible assets in the Spanish economy. To accomplish this research the authors have reviewed the most relevant recent literature about the role of intangibles in growth from a macroeconomic approach, the definition of intangibles and their measurement problems. They have estimated the investment and endowments in Spain for the components of the three large aggregates of intangible assets: computerized information, innovative property and economic competencies, breaking down by industries and types of assets. Finally, they have analyzed the dynamics of investment and capital accumulation in intangibles in Spain from an international comparative perspective for the 1995-2010 period and taking into account both the EU-15 countries and the United States.
Mas, M. and J. Quesada (dirs.) (2014). Activos intangibles: Una inversión necesaria para el crecimiento económico en España. Barcelona: Ariel; Madrid: Fundación Telefónica.