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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

Valencia: blueprint for a modern european city
Valencia: blueprint for a modern european city
Project start date: 2016
Project end date: 2016
Funding institution: Ayuntamiento de València

The severe impact that the economic crisis has had on the city of Valencia has compelled local authorities to change municipal priorities. Without giving up activities related to the socioeconomic promotion of the city as a motor for the development of the Valencian Community, Spain and the EU, city authorities have decided to look inwards and focus on Valencia’s 19 districts. The aim is to undertake initiatives that make Valencia a city more oriented towards people by focusing on social protection of city residents, community interconnectedness, access to housing, urban mobility, social and cultural facilities, and local solidarity initiatives.

The authors of this study for the Valencia City Council assess the impact of the economic crisis on the model for the city of Valencia and its districts and perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis that serves to establish a framework and structure for municipal lines. Finally, they propose the main objectives and the lines of action for the city.


Valencian Foundation Rei Jaume I Awards and Ivie
Universitat de València e Ivie