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Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas

Research Areas

The Spanish agri-food sector in the European context. 2017 report
The Spanish agri-food sector in the European context. 2017 report
Project start date: 2018
Year of publication: 2018
Funding institution: Cajamar

The agri-food sector, which covers primary production and the food and drink industry, represented 5.12% of Spanish GDP in 2015 and generated around 1.8 million jobs. Following the impact of the recent economic crisis, the sector is showing signs of recovery in both production (GDP) and employment levels.

Given the agri-food sector’s significant contribution to the Spanish economy, the aim of this report is to create an observatory based on a system of indicators that will be used to develop a report. The analysis of the sector is enhanced by focusing on international comparisons in the report.


Universitat de València, Ivie and CUNEF
Universitat de València and Ivie